Sunday, October 31, 2010

Safety Precautions

- Source:

     Every where we go we have safety rules and precaution methods for everything. In our case, we might need to know these rules and use these precaution methods to prevent us from harming ourselves or harming others. It is really important to be aware of what to do and what not to do on the road. Also we should know what to wear if we were on a bike, or to take certain measures either when driving a car or when riding a bike. From seat belts to making sure you have airbags in the car. To helmet and safety overall  pants and jacket to be worn while riding a bike. All these are important precautions that should be taken. As for following the rules, well rules are made so that we can drive safely without putting anyone or ourselves in danger. That is why it is extremely important to follow the rules in order to avoid any fatal injuries or damages that might occur in accidents in both a car or on a bike.

Discussion questions:

1) Can you list some of the major road rules in Lebanon and in the world?

2) What are other safety precautions that you can think of ?

3) Are you with following and applying road rules and laws? Why ?



ahmad hamwi said...

1)(Ahmad): New speed limits.
2) (Ahmad): High cost tickets can make anyone avoid speeding.
3)(Ahmad): Of course, it ensures out safety and other's safety.